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                                                       Cat Spaying

Q. Should I spay my cat?


A. At The Paddock Vet Practice we advise that the benefits of spaying cats far outweigh the potential problems. As such we would recommend that all cats not intended for breeding are neutered. This is consistent with the views of both the British Small Animal Veterinary Association and the RSPCA.



Q. When to spay?


A. We recommend that cats are spayed between 5 to 6 months. 



Q. What is done when a cat is spayed?


A. When a cat is spayed an ovariohysterectomy is performed. This means their ovaries and uterus are removed. It is carried out under general anaesthetic as a day procedure only rarely requiring an overnight stay.



Q. What are the benefits of spaying? 


A. - Prevents unwanted pregnancies

- Prevents false pregnancies

- Prevents pyometra, a potentially fatal condition of the uterus 

- Reduces the incident of mammary cancer

- No more oestrus behaviour and attraction to male cats

- Prevents ovarian and uterine cancers

- Prevents the spread of sexually transmitted disease


Q. How do I arrange to have my cat spayed?


A. We perform routine neutering operations on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday's.

-You can book your cat in over the phone. Should you wish to discuss whether and when to spay your cat in more detail prior to booking her operation you are very welcome to come in for an appointment.

- When you book your cats surgery you will be advised to starve her from 9pm the night before. To allow access to water and a litter tray until you bring her in. If she is already allowed access to the outdoors please keep her indoors over night so she can't have access to any food elsewhere.

-An admissions appointment will be made for the morning of her operation. At this time a nurse will go through an admissions consent form with you. If you have any questions or concerns we are happy to discuss them fully at this time.



Q. What to expect the day of her operation.


A. An admissions appointment usually takes about 10 minutes, any queries you have can be discussed at this time. 

- After admission your cat will be given a pre-medication  prior to anaesthetic and surgery. 

- Your cat will have her operation during the morning

- You will be asked to ring at approximately 2:30pm that afternoon to see what time she will be ready for collection. A discharge appointment time be organised then. 

- Aftercare instructions will be discussed at this appointment. These instructions can also be found on our website under post-operative care.



Q. Recovery from the spay operation


A. Due to the anaesthetic your cat may be sleepy and a bit unsteady for 12-24 hours. During this time she should be allowed to rest in a warm, comfortable draught free place and not allowed outside as she will not be street wise. 

- Allow her to access to water as soon as she gets home

- Give her a small light meal the evening of her surgery

- Normal appetite should return within 24-48hours

- Keep her inside for the next 10 days 

- Keep her wound clean and dry

- Prevent licking of her wound. We use intradermal dissolvable stitches in cat spays when possible. This means your cat cannot pull her stitches out but it is still important not to let her lick her wound. A small buster collar will prevent her licking her wound. 

- A post-operative check appointment will be made for 2-3 days after her operation. However, if you have any concerns prior any concerns prior to this please contact the surgery for advice

- Your cat will be sent home with post operative pain relief for you to give orally at home for a few days. Please follow the directions given for your pet.



The Paddock Veterinary Practice



SN10 4PJ



Tel: 01380 813202

Fax: 01380 818989

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